
You are interested to work with us, you want to know more about us or about our digital marketing solutions and services.


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About us

Alt 360 is a web agency specialized in digital marketing solutions and services.

We help companies to showcases their products and services.

We implement relevant and effective marketing strategies and business solutions to help our customer to reach their goals.

We concentrate all the skills and knowledge you need in one location.
We have created a complete A-Z digital marketing agency to provide a comprehensive package of services.

Our objective is to help our clients to implement a successful digital marketing strategy.

We provide powerful business solutions and services to optimize their activity.

Our vision guides every aspects of our business.
It describes all we need to accomplish to deliver the best level of service for our clients.

International: We help our customer to break their market’s boundaries. We work with customers based in many countries.

Analytical: We believe a successful digital marketing strategy is based on data and facts.

Creativity: We use creative approaches to turn what we learned with data into emotions and experiences that appeal to your audience.

Skills and learning: Our objective is to be the experts. We focus on continuous learning, practice and technology monitoring to be always on top of trends.

Sharing: We want to build strong partnerships, as we are passionate with learning we also love to share our knowledge with our partners.

Our primary focus is to deliver the best quality of services to help our clients to meet their objectives.
This is achieved thanks to the respect of our core values:

  • RESPECT: we respect people we interact with, whatever their origins, beliefs or status.
  • TRANSPARENCY: We communicate and work in respect of transparency and mutual understanding.
  • PRAGMATISM AND CONSISTENCY: We propose relevant and realistic solutions in compliance of your needs and means.
  • RIGOUR: We are solutions and results oriented, working hard to achieve the best level of services as possible.
  • WIN-WIN: We want to build strong and lasting partnerships with our customers. We always approach a project with a win-win philosophy.

Working with Alt360?

Before you sign or commit to anything, we ask you to fill out a questionnaire either online or directly with us over a one to one discussion (phone, skype or face to face).
The objective is to know about you, your needs, your clients and industry in order to propose the best solutions to meet your goals.

After we have done the discovery phase, we will propose a detailed proposal.
We are open to discuss with you and answer any questions you may have.

Once you approve the proposal, we kick off the project with our team based on the objectives we clearly outlines together during the discovery phase.
Moreover, we provide you with a regular update on the project until its delivery.

Finally, once the project is delivered, we follow up to make sure you are satisfied.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing = Online Marketing = Web Marketing

Digital marketing encompasses strategies and techniques to promote and sell products or services to people using Internet-connected electronic devices such as Computers, smartphones or tablets.

It focuses on channels such as websites, Search engines, social media and apps.
Finally digital marketing includes many areas such as SEO, social media management, content marketing.

Digital marketing specialists develop effective strategies and implement tactical actions to connect with prospects and customers.
Strategies can be articulated around search engine optimization, social media content publishing and community management…

Although many companies are still skeptical about digital marketing, the facts are that majority of consumers are now turning to internet on a daily basis for many reasons such as :

  • Searching for information
  • Comparing offer
  • Looking for service providers
  • Reviews and testimonials

Ultimately digital marketing will allow your business to reach more prospect and customers.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing focuses on attracting customers thanks to the creation of contents designed to address problems and needs of your target audience.
It encompasses various sub-categories of marketing strategies such as content marketing, email marketing…

SEM - Search Engine Marketing

SEM stands for Search engine marketing.
It encompasses SEO, search engine optimization and SEA, search engine advertising


SEO, Search engine optimization, stands for the process and actions to improve a website visibility on search engine results page.

SEO is the most effective and sustainable strategy to generate qualified traffic to your website.
Indeed, statistics show that 80 % to 90 % of customers are looking online before making a purchase.

SEO allows your company to increase its visibility.

Timings can vary depending of your campaign objectives (ranking, generate traffic, generate sales…), type of business and industry.
In average it can take 2 to 3 months to start seeing significant results.

As seen above, results are not immediate and are often visible only after a few months.
SEO requires a good understanding of the way search engines work, technical website settings and content creation.
Also, a good SEO strategy also requires continual efforts to still be effective. Indeed, by stopping, you might be outranked by competition.


SEA, Search engine advertising, is the process for which an advertiser pays to improve the visibility of its website on search engines results page.

PPC, Pay-Per-Click, is a component of SEA.
It’s a model of digital marketing in which an advertiser pays a fee every time a visitor clicks on one of its ads.

Correctly managed, PPC is an effective way to generate traffic to a website.
However this should not replace SEO but can be complementary.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is the creation and distribution of information.
Information can be either educational and/or entertaining.

Content marketing is guided by a strategy and goals such as :

  • Build brand awareness
  • Generate traffic
  • Lead acquisition
  • Sales

Content marketing answers to the objective of creating an audience.
This requires to define you objectives, to know your audience and to establish a content creation schedule.
Moreover, contents must be created on a regular basis and on various media such as blog posts, articles, info-graphics, videos, case studies…

With more than 1 billion hours of video viewed on YouTube each day, video is one of the most engaging and flexible content format, offering a high ROI.
So this should be considered.

Email Marketing

This is the use of email to promote your products or services.
There are many goals such as building relationship with your customer, or promote your business.

Email marketing is considered as one of the most effective marketing strategy, offering one of the biggest ROI and conversion rate.

Indeed, 94 % of internet users use email, so email marketing provide a more personal and reliable way to interact with them.

Social Media Marketing

This is the implementation of strategies and actions to manage your visibility, promote your brand and engage with your audience on social media.

There are 2 main type of social media marketing :

  • Social media reputation monitoring
  • Community management

This stands of the process of monitoring what is said about your company, products or services on social media platform.
Monitoring reviews on Yelp, trip advisors, facebook…

This is a form of social media marketing in which you actively interact and engage with your audience.
Publishing post, answering to your followers….

We work with the major social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, Snapchat, LinkedIn and Pinterest.
We also work with smaller social media sites.
The selection of the social media channel depends of your business, industry, audience and objectives.

Social media marketing provides many opportunities and should be considered when building a digital marketing strategy.
Indeed it provides the ability to interact directly with your customers.

There are lots of advantages :

  • Drive awareness
  • Generate traffic
  • Engage with customers
  • Increase sales
  • Build loyalty

Social media marketing is a long term strategy, you will build trust with your customer, create content, drive engagement and interactions.
Usually it takes approximately 3 to 6 months to notice significant results.

Digital marketing agencies have experience establishing strategies and managing social media.
It will allow you to gain time, be more effective and increase the return on investment.

You can find more information on this article about the main reasons why outsourcing social media management.

We set up an intensive discovery phase including meetings and interviews with you to make sure to become knowledgeable in your industry, business, brand, services and products.
As the expert, you assess we are accurate and able to represent your company.

We align contents with you before publishing and you have a the full ownership of social media account and contents posted on your company’s behalf.

Social media marketing is not only posting on social media platform.
Our experts spend a lot of time defining the strategies, planning and creating the contents and actively representing your company online.

Hiring an agency to manage your social media activities is an investment’s in your own business.
This ultimately provides valuable return on investment and should be taken seriously.

Separately, prices are quoted at a monthly rate but should be considered on a weekly/daily/hourly basis.

Website creation

Website creation

There are many options to create a website.
There are multiple web design companies or website builders.
However, depending of the seriousness of your project and the goals you are looking to achieve, this might require a professional design and optimizations to make the best use of your website.
Indeed a website is a crucial part of your company’s visibility and mean to attract and convert visitors to customers.

With approximately 60 % of overall internet traffic coming from mobile devices, responsiveness became essential.

Before we start updating your current website or building a new one, we perform a detailed evaluation of your needs and objectives.
Cost varies in function of the complexity, the technology and contents required for the project.

Contact us to get a free quote.

There is no set timeline because it depends of the project requirement.
Usually we get new sites launched between one or two months.
Your account manager will provide you with a detailed timeline before we begin to work on the project.

Website update and maintenance

A website requires regular updates in order to perform well and support effectively a digital marketing strategy.

Updates includes :

  • Content creation
  • Maintenance.

Websites that are not updated for a long periods can suffer from bugs, security issues and weak ranking on search engines.

Website maintenance is the process of reviewing your site settings in order to optimize and guarantee its proper functioning.

Maintenance packages must includes :

  • Security updates
  • Correction (bug fixes)
  • Website review
    • Broken links
    • Design issues
    • Functionalities (forms, emails….)
  • Browser compatibilities
  • Domain name renewal
  • Update copyrights
  • Review and update legal disclaimers
  • Backups
    • Structure
    • Contents

Additional services are proposed such as

  • SEO
  • Content marketing

Although they are not mandatory, we strongly recommend website maintenance contracts in order to ensure the best quality of service and experience for your visitors.

Any further questions or you need any advices?


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